Find out how much your future payments are worth today! You can find out immediately with a number of premier providers. Structured Settlement companies will buy your future payout, discount it by some factor and give you a lump sum payment up front.
The most important thing to do when you are looking for the best structured settlements is to visit and check out at least 3 different structured settlement sites. Then you can easily compare their various payout rates, fees and services.
Just doing this simple comparison of at least 3 different structured settlement sites can save you thousands of dollars. Don’t be lazy. Take the time and you can make a huge saving! Lottery WinnersMedical SettlementsInsurance SettlementsAccident SettlementsLawsuit SettlementsFind out how much you can receive RIGHT NOW in a Lump Sum payment from some of these finance companies!
Structured Settlements are financial packages permitting a settlement to be paid in regular installments either for a fixed period or for the lifetime of the claimant. Because it is tailor-made for individual cases, the structure may also include some immediate payment to cover special damages. The payment is usually made through purchase of an annuity from a Life Insurance Company.
When a recepient receives a benefit all at once, not in regular installments.
Receiving cash for annuity payments is a viable option for those who may need immediate cash and can't afford to wait for their money to be paid out over time.
These finance companies will pay you a Large Lump Sum of CASH NOW, rather than receiving smaller monthly payments for the remainder of the payout.
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