One of the biggest misconceptions with laser hair removal is that when you get it, you never have to have it done again. Well, this is not true. When you get laser hair removal done, you have to go back for more sessions in order to have all the hair removed. Then, once a year, you have to go for a laser hair removal session so that any new hair that has popped up can be removed.
The reason for all of this is not that laser hair removal is ineffective. The problem is that our hair grows in cycles, and that presents a problem for laser hair removal. Right now, about 80 percent of your hair is growing, 10 percent is falling out and 10 percent is about to grow. So, your hair is always changing as a result. When you have laser hair removal done, the hair is removed but that doesn't stop the new hair from growing. So, you have to go back for sessions every few months in order to remove the hair that has grown in the time it took for the previous hair to fall out.
Once you are done with your laser hair removal treatments, you need to go back for laser hair removal because your hair re-grows over time. So, a better way of describing laser hair removal would be to call it laser hair reduction. The hair is not being removed completely, but it is being reduced greatly.

Hair re-grows constantly and it is an amazingly durable part of our bodies. When someone goes through chemotherapy, their hair will re-grow after the chemo is done, even though all the hair fell out. In fact, it comes back in different colors and styles. Hair is amazing and tough to get rid of. Even if you wax, the hair will re-grow. Simply put, there is no way to get rid of your hair forever, but you can reduce it and that is where laser hair removal comes in.
Laser for hair removal is the best way to reduce the problem hair you have.
As time goes on and the re-growth of hair slows, you will not have to get as much laser hair removal done. You can probably go in every two years eventually. This is a pretty small price to pay considering you used to have to shave every few days to remove hair. Depending on where you had the hair removed, the re-growth will be different. Hair on the face and underarms grows much faster than hair in the pubic region or on the chest and shoulders.
Laser hair removal and hair re-growth can be a pain but it is something that has to be dealt with every year. Your yearly appointments will not be as involved as other appointments in the past, and it is more of a touch up than anything, usually taking much less time than your first sessions in the laser hair removal process.
The reason for all of this is not that laser hair removal is ineffective. The problem is that our hair grows in cycles, and that presents a problem for laser hair removal. Right now, about 80 percent of your hair is growing, 10 percent is falling out and 10 percent is about to grow. So, your hair is always changing as a result. When you have laser hair removal done, the hair is removed but that doesn't stop the new hair from growing. So, you have to go back for sessions every few months in order to remove the hair that has grown in the time it took for the previous hair to fall out.
Once you are done with your laser hair removal treatments, you need to go back for laser hair removal because your hair re-grows over time. So, a better way of describing laser hair removal would be to call it laser hair reduction. The hair is not being removed completely, but it is being reduced greatly.
Hair re-grows constantly and it is an amazingly durable part of our bodies. When someone goes through chemotherapy, their hair will re-grow after the chemo is done, even though all the hair fell out. In fact, it comes back in different colors and styles. Hair is amazing and tough to get rid of. Even if you wax, the hair will re-grow. Simply put, there is no way to get rid of your hair forever, but you can reduce it and that is where laser hair removal comes in.
Laser for hair removal is the best way to reduce the problem hair you have.
As time goes on and the re-growth of hair slows, you will not have to get as much laser hair removal done. You can probably go in every two years eventually. This is a pretty small price to pay considering you used to have to shave every few days to remove hair. Depending on where you had the hair removed, the re-growth will be different. Hair on the face and underarms grows much faster than hair in the pubic region or on the chest and shoulders.
Laser hair removal and hair re-growth can be a pain but it is something that has to be dealt with every year. Your yearly appointments will not be as involved as other appointments in the past, and it is more of a touch up than anything, usually taking much less time than your first sessions in the laser hair removal process.
Many people think that if they do a laser hair removal treatment that's hair in the treated area. That's the fault of doctors too. I did such a treatment at one of the best laser hair removal Toronto clinics and the doctor there explained me that this is not a permanent solution, but is a long lasting one, and in time, maybe it could provide almost permanent results.
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