Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) today launched New Real Time Push Mail & PIM Sync services for its 2G and 3G subscribers in Mumbai circle in association with Bharat Berry. Earlier the service was launched for Delhi circle on 9th May as we shared on TelecomTalk MTNL also launched one month FREE Trial offer wherein Push Mail & PIM Sync Services will be FREE for the MTNL Customers from 27th May to 26 June 2011. To access MTNL’s Bharat Berry Push Mail & PIM Sync services, MTNL Mumbai subscrber needs to send a SMS as “SUB BB” to 51122. Bharat Berry real time Push Mail Service is similar to the most popular BlackBerry Services. It provide Freedom from particular device and high end tariff plans and also works with most of the Mobile Phones. The cost of the service is also a fraction of what the BlackBerry service will cost per month. BharatBerry services for as little as Rs. 50 per month. This cost includes a service that synchronizes calendar and contacts information besides emails. Initially, the company plans to roll out this service for three months for free, before starting to charge users. How to use MTNL Bharat Berry Push Mail & PIM Services :-
To access MTNL’s Push Mail & PIM Sync services, send a SMS as “SUB BB” to 51122. You will receive a SMS with a thank you note and a link to click. Click on the link and follow the instruction of
Benefit of the Bharat Berry Push Mail & PIM Sync Service :
Keep your remote email inbox in sync with the MTNL ’s Push Mail Client inbox Compose and send emails Receive push email notifications which inform you of new emails on your mobile phone without you having to explicitly ask for new email. Read, delete, reply, forward, or flag emails View attachments through the native browser of the phone (support varies based on phone model) Detect URLs in your emails and go to them directly on your mobile phone Call the sender of a received email, if the sender is stored in your contacts list with a phone number Work offline. Contact,Notes,Task and Calendar may be save and later retrieved if your phone is lost / change the phone Visit for deactivate the service and view their details after using their username and password.
For the First Month BharatBerry Push Mail & PIM Sync Services are free for the MTNL Customers in Mumbai circle from 27/5/2011 to 26/6/2011. After free Trail subscriber can opt any plan as below : PIM Sync :
Rs. 50 per month
Push Mail : Rs. 50 per month
PIM Sync & Push Mail (Combo Service offer):
Rs. 80 per month
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